fine i had time to sit and think over your proof over a glass of wine tonight. here goes
Fredrich Nietzche's will to power. he stated that there are only two types of people slaves and masters. masters rule over the slaves. to counter act this the slaves invented morals and religion to try to limit the masters power.
aristotle's pyrmid of virtue. for ones psyche to be in good health one must balance the soul between will and appetite (desire). all your actions are based off of either fullfilling or denying your appetite. all things in moderation. all our actions are based on desire.
hume in a very simplistic metaphore we (humans) are all just wind up toys that god created in the begining of time. there is no good or evil because we are just following a set pattern. free will is just a illusion. can't do good if we are just wind up toys. (the matric reloaded philosophy behind the Prophecies)
Jean-Paul Sartre we are born on this earth without being given a chooice. we learn the most terrible knowledge that we will die. we and all those around us are finite. there is no good nor evil just chooices. while we are alive there are no rule books that we can judge ourselves "good" nor "evil". we have our institions to guild us but they cannot tells what is truly right for us. ie thou shall not kill. what if there is someone trying to kill us. the rules to live by that the christian god wrote down in what we call the commandments. i would use other religions but it would take too long to explain those religions. sorry.
Sigmund Freud id, ego, super ego. id = selfish desires. ego= that which controls the id. super ego ethics we learn from our culture.
like i said this argument has been aroud for a very long time.
more later.
"enjoy life to the brim but do not spill it" quoted off my tatoo
"Iam myself every day."
Last edited by 3leggedfrog; 09-13-2003 at 06:47 PM..