The Reason your argument that it is impossible to do good is flawed to me.. is because your telling me how I feel when doing something "good". You say I do it for my own personal motives.. how do you know this? I can not on a whim do something good because I just happen to feel like doing it? If there is a feeling of goodness or it does something for you to do this "good" deed.. it does not matter. I know I dont do good deeds to get off. I just do them because its something I do.
Even if it is done for selfish reasons.. Just because something is selfish does not mean its a bad thing, or a wrong thing. A car is about to hit me.. I move out of the way. By your reasoning this is selfish and bad. Others may see this as a good deed simply because they rely on me in some way.
I see no reason why something can not be selfish and good at the same time. It is all a matter of opinion... and yours does not hold much weight to me.
Edit: It also depends on what you decide "good" is and what defines doing "good"
I hope this makes sense.. I'm very tired right now. and even if you dont agree with it. Its how I see things.
"Your life is yours to live, go out and live it" - Richard Rahl
Last edited by Booboo; 09-13-2003 at 06:46 PM..