For Turn Tables go with Technic 1200's...I like those best...But that's just me
As far as Mixers go...It all depends on what you want, I just had some shitty as mixer that got the job done.
It's a very expensive hobby..When I was spinning, I was spending about 3 or 4 bills a week on Vinyl.
Have you ever tried Spinning before?
It's not as easy as it seems...You have to learn all your tracks like the back of your hand, Knowing when the beat may stop or drop...So you can do little mixes and add things to the track from the record you are going to mix into next.
It's something you have to learn yourself, You can't be taught how to spin...You can be given tips on certain things...But you have to create your own style and shit like that.
Depending on if your gonna be doing any Scratching or not...Needles can get very pricey, When I first started spinning..I bought the Cheapest needles I could get and it cost me about 150 or 175 dollars. You can pay up to 4 bills for 1 needle...
I'm not trying to bring you down..I am just trying to give you a perspective about the whole thing.
Oh ya...Never go to the record shops if you don't plan on buying, Cause you just kick yourself in the ass for not having any money to grab that 1 record you have been looking for, For the longest time.