There are two things to watch out for in CS.
The first is the distribution of the work. Typically, you won't have any work at all for the first half of the semester. Then you'll have a major project in each of the 4 or 5 units you're doing. If you can't handle 2 weeks on little or no sleep, you're at a disadvantage. It's also wise to be as far ahead as you can get in those early weeks, because you won't have a lot of time for coursework in project week.
The other thing is the unexpected theory. In first year, your units will almost always be codemonkeying. You'll learn Java, maybe C or C++ or Haskell or something. When you get to second year, there will be a bit more theory, and in third year the theory can get nightmarishly complex. You'll often do units with very little coding at all. That comes as a shock to a lot of CS students, so you need to watch out for it. Personally, I love the theory.