Here's my first post on this thread. I didn't read all 9 pages of posts, so forgive me if I repeat something.
I generally don't watch wrestling much anymore. I was a rabid fan in the 80's and early 90's, with my interest sparked by Hulk Hogan winning his first WWF title over the Iron Shiek. I watched the NWA and WWF religiously, including all of the Wrestlemanias, Starracades, and the always elusive Saturday Night's Main Event.
Looking back, I realize that the thing that pulls you in is the stories, not the violence. Sure, you wanted to see a well conceived match with lots of drama and action, but a match wasn't necessarily better if it was bloody or ultraviolent.
So recently I was flipping channels and I landed on one of the WWE programs. I was really shocked at how violent it was. Brock something (you know who I'm talking about) was tossing this skinny guy around like a rag doll, smacking him with chairs, smashing his legs into the steel posts, etc.
While we all know that the story lines and outcomes of WWE matches are pre-written, a lot of this violence is real. Back in the day, getting hit with a steel chair looked pretty tame. Now a days, I'm surprised that people aren't in the hospital for compressed spinal columns.
So my question is this: is WWE going to far in the violence department? Do fans really crave blood and broken bones so much that the wrestlers are willing to risk their lives for Vince McMahon?
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel