Speaking of the Grand Theft Auto series, I've noticed that the stores in Vice City are either generic or gently mocking cetain brand names such as the GAP or Starbucks. Ironically the PC modding community are the ones creating mods that can turn generic stores into real life chain counterparts.
I wonder if the brands notice this phenomenon and how much it would cost them to ensure that there's a mod allowing you to drive a Coke truck around Vice City. Probably the price of an email or forum suggestion to the modding community (ie $0.00). That's almost as absurdly subversive as the "fair trade" t-shirt I saw on a Starbucks employee the other day. This kind of "reverse culture jamming" is the cutting edge in corporate cunning.
Still, Vice City does have a flying DeLorean mod; a homage to 'Back to the Future 2', itself a film that gently poked fun at the advertising of the '80s - so I guess the battlefield is even once the modders have figured out how to manipulate the look and feel of their shiny new multi million dollar games.
And my #1 mod suggestion for the Sims' McDonald franchise...
<img src="http://www.heretics.com/images/pictures/bb/bb_big.jpg">
mouse-burger and French flies...