Originally posted by inkriminator
the crux of the issue is clearly this, is woman subservient to man in some fundamental way. And the best explanation that I could come to that is clearly yes. My reasoning:
There is no totality of information regarding the proper relationship between man and woman
The one clear relationship we have is the physical one, with man protecting the woman
We should use the 1 element of knowledge we have, in order to make further judgements
Thus....man is...in some way, responsible for woman.
I would argue that there is more than "one clear relationship" and you've hit upon one fairly obvious one that happens to support your hypothesis, and also happens to support a patriarchal society. You could look at the more obvious control women have over the reproductive cycle of the species and say that man is subservient to woman. Even if a man could dominate a woman into reproduction - rape, essentially - women have always had ways of controlling their own reproductive capacities, long before Roe v. Wade. Natural abortifacents are plentiful. This is the ultimate in denial of male power - monopoly over procreation - and no wonder a patriarchal society cooked up a myth to scapegoat women and give a deified rationale for male domination of the species.