I reject C. Good and evil are highly subjective. One person's good is another's flaming death. Darkness and light are just synonyms for whatever fucked you or saved you, respectively.
I reject A as it was written. The god that christians speak of seems mostly content to let the chips fall where they may. I consider this neutral.
Being that humans are very divided on the subject, God's idea of good and bad is probably a lot different than yours. Some "good" christians think that god hates homosexuals. I can't imagine why god would care who you sex-up, but it is still an example of "evil" being in the eye of the beholder.
If there is a higher power, what makes you think you could even comprehend it's goals and motivations? God is all seeing and all powerful, and sometimes all I can think is shit like, "Man, I'm hungry." Some people on the TFP can't even comprehend Hal's goals and motivations. If there is a god and that god has good intentions, there's no way you could know what those are.