Wile E
sorry i will have some good research in a future post. i have never really researched this topic so you must forgive me when i say i need some time to find some credible sources. my use of the logic argument was an attempt to prove my argument with out research.
thanks, i hope to keep this debate interesting.
Originally posted by Marius1
Happy is good, correct?
If I do a good deed for someone and he is happy and I am happy and no one is unhappy its good.
okay that is a good definition of good. but let me ask you what happen when you take away the reason for someone to do good? will you still do that good deed. if no then while the outcome of the good deed maybe "good" the deed it self, by being motivated by selfishness, is not. if you believe that selfishness is not good. (oh boy i can hear people typing argerly on that statement.)
Originally posted by Marius1
If everyone was only concerned with oneself in every single action they took how would that affect society. Could society in fact function under those circumstances?
sure read a social contract by hobbes ( i only believe in hobbes on my bad days) according to hobbes all morality is a way to avoid confict with one another. in a natural state humans are nasty, brutish, and violent. they make mutual beneficial contracts with one another. ex. i will not kill you if you dont kill me.