I lost my black tabby Monster. he was my big baby and no one else could pick him up but me without scratching them and trying to get away. we moved to our new house and we went on vacation so we left the animals outside and when we came back he showed up them about a week later he never came home. we like to think that some old lady caught him and is making him dress up in baby clothes but we know it was probably the coyotes that got him cuz we live a block away from the city limits and after that its wooded and some pastures.
also i lost my best friend benji. i got him when i was 1. he was a cockapoo (cockerspaniel/poodle) and he was white which is a rare breed. found him at the animal shelter. i had him for 15 years , the last time i saw him was when we were getting ready to go to wichita to visit friends for memorial weekend and we told the vet that he was to stay inside in the airconditioning cuz he was so old. well he got under the house and i had to get him out but you have to be mean cuz thats the only way he would come out was if you got mad at him. well i had to go to school so my dad got him out and took him to the kennel and when we got back monday my dad went to get him and when he came home he didnt have him. he said he had died sunday while he was outside. and that they had already disposed of the body. they didnt even ask us if we wanted it and we had already had a casket made for him cuz we were going to have to put him to sleep. but the part that hurts is that the last time he saw me was when i was mad at him and i never got to say goodbye. . .
we have never taken any animal back to that man because he has irrisponsible trainies that dont give a damn about the families and their wishes.
from the Havens I have fallen. . . to the earth as a mangled form. . . writhing in pain, my wings torn and bloodied. . . I have one purpose, only one goal. . . to find you and love you, for I am your. . . fallen angel