I just downloaded it (don't worry, I'll be buying it as soon as it comes out, but I just can't wait that long!) and I love it. The vocals in The Package are incredible.
After listening the the album a few times over, I hate to say it, but I'm sort of disappointed. There are some great songs, I especially like The Package, Blue, and Pet, however, most of the other songs strike me as bland and uninteresting. I'm really hoping that it grows on me, because I'm pretty sure I didn't like Mer de Noms much the first few times I heard it... but now I think it's one of the best CDs I own - hopefully the same happens with Thirteenth Step.
Also, TS seems like a headphones kind of CD, and I have yet to listen to it with anything except my 5.1 Klipsch system, so I'm losing a lot of the softer sounding elements that seem to have a strong presence throughout the album.
meanspleen edit: cut and pasted saut's other post into this one.
Last edited by meanSpleen; 09-14-2003 at 07:19 PM..