I try to relax, at the very best it just puts my mind in a nice, sexy state, but then the dick just doesn't do the same.
I've been giving it a lot of thought (ever since I first had sex!) and I think maybe I'm just not sensitive enough down there. It takes a lot of rough work for my girlfriend to get me off by hand, she can't believe I'm not in pain when she does it. Is it possible that my penis is just not sensitive enough, and this inadequacy has been going on for so long thay psychologically it's messed me up? Sort of like a cycle - the first experience was bad (couldn't orgasm), so I got discouraged, I wasn't as eager the second time, so I couldn't come, so I got more discouraged, etc. etc.? And it keeps happening over and over again so it's reinforcing my inadquacies and making me less confident?
Could it be something as simple as a lack of blood flow down there?