Originally posted by JBX
Just how many buses would we let blow up in our country, knowing where the terrorists reside, before we reached out and touched them?
We tried this already, actually. I don't know how well you remember, but our Popular Wartime Preznit went on TV two years ago and said that he would capture Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive." It's been 722 days since that statement, and guess what? He's still out there. So's Mullah Omar (and most of the rest of his Taliban leadership). So, for that matter, is Saddam Hussein. My point here is that I tend to take "we gonna git you, sucker!" statements with a shaker or three of NaCl.
Perhaps even more to the point is that the U.S. is constrained in ways that Israel is not. Israel has no law against assassinating foreign leaders. The United States does, though, and the President may not violate the law. I think we passed that law once upon a when because if we start killing foreign leaders, how long will it be before other countries start finding ways to kill ours?
Assassination as a form of political expression is a bad idea all 'round.