Don't forget to pack a sturdy, sharp machete (or better yet, a katana) for extra-close combat. This little number is very handy when you run out of ammo or are otherwise being overwhelmed. Always aim for the neck.
Also, make sure to wear steel-toed boots. You never know when one of those animated fuckers is gonna try and chew your leg off. Give him a good kick in the noggin' to show him/her who's the boss. Tony Danza? I don't think so.
Never use fire against a zombie. If you do, you just added another lethal weapon to its arsenal: fiery bear hug. That can't be good.
Finally, get yourself a good garden sprayer. Then, slaughter a large animal and store its blood. Fill the sprayer's tank with the stuff and spray any large, oncoming group of zombies. This will confuse the fuck out of them and they'll just start eating each other for a bit. All you have to do then is pick'em off from a safe distance with your recently acquired bolt-action sniper's rifle. Again, head shots are key.
Hail to the king, baby.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.