Let's see here just off the top of my head, i have two vibrators, one dildo, my husband has a cock ring or two he doesn't even use, some anal beads and a few other anal related items, lotions and oils, books, movies, hancuffs, a whip, and a blindfold, two drawers of nighties and teddys, pills(when I took them), condoms, hmmm lets see here......oh yeah we did spend $500 on a digital camera so my husband could take pictures of me, but not sure if you would call that a sex related item or not, it was bought for that purpose but I use it everywhere else I go too so.....anyway there's probably more in there just can't think right now, it's very late, but i don't consider it a waste of money at all though. A waste of money is the pair of Nike's in my closet that have never been out of the box, and were bought a year ago

Something I do a lot, but I certainly don't consider sex related items a waste of money when they are being used. I will use my stuff until it's time to be replaced.