Originally posted by Holo
And why can't we download things that we've already paid for but no longer have the physical media due to destruction or oh the irony- theft? I've bought every Metallica album all the way up to Reload...I will NOT but them again if my tape got mangled or stolen. They got my money once, I paid for the right to hear those songs. I never signed any licence agreement, I never saw on any of those discs, " You must keep this media if you wish to transfer it's contents to another". I say it's all crooked crap and millions of others agree.
I certainly agree. Especially in the case of cassette tapes. I have replaced a lot of my cassettes with CD's and spent hundreds replacing them. When I paid for the music the first time (Whether it is CDs, Cassettes, or even LPs) I paid for the right to own that music in any format available to me. And in some cases, paid for those songs 2 times (sometimes 3 because of stolen CDs)