I competely agree with the previous posts, specifically kel's post.
I would take the preliminary courses[weed-out classes] such as intro to programming and then intermediate programming, as well as calculus and mechanics. Considering these are the very basic courses needed to start your CS degree track, I'd see how you handle them. They will definitely show you how much work to expect in the upcoming courses. The first year of programming is important and teaches you the core material, including the STL.
You will most likely have to take alot of math courses, at least 5 or 6. Also, physics will be thrown in for a few semesters as well.
Overall, the major isn't 'hard' [unless you need a specific GPA to be accepted into the program :-/], but it is alot of work, requiring a strong sense of math, science, and logic.
I agree with kel's statement about how many people are in CS for one reason, that reason being: money. Alot of people saw the tech boom a few years back and immediately decided to be a coder and expect to make $90k a year, it's not like that anymore, the average starting salary is about $45k, if you can find a job. So, make sure you're not in it for the money before you get that degree.
Once you have completed your introductory courses, you move into the core courses of CS... such as digital systems/logic, discrete math, hardware design, etc. Much can be done with a CS job, not just programming[depending on your school's degree criteria], which is the beauty of the major.
And to close this long post, Computer Science can be hard, IF you make it hard, by not doing your work or keeping up with course materials/lectures. I'd try my best at getting through the classes because alot of very cool stuff can be learned later on, such as Game Design Theory, Artificial Intelligence, Logic Theory, and such.
Good luck in your decision making process!