First, I work for a distributor/wholesaler of among other things, HP/Compaq ProLiant servers. Just last month we got an ML370 in that looked like it had been twisted like a stick of bubble gum. Mind you, an ML370 weighs about 80 pounds with no disks, and most of that is THICK steel.
For the year 2001 I think I personally accounted for half the goods damaged in our production facility by cost. One day I dropped a thousand-dollar DAT drive in a manner sufficient to inflict Non-Operative Shock. Another day my screwdriver slipped when I was assembling some huge server. Little tiny surface-mount resistors don't like big metal screwdriver bits.
At the repair shop I previously worked at, I once dropped a customer's hard disk. The co-worker comment that drew: "You were supposed to FORMAT it, not FLOORMAT it!" At least I wasn't the guy that got dubbed "Sparky".
I was mowing some grass on a tractor when I was about 18. I figured I could get between a utility pole and its guy wire...and was almost right. The rollbar caught the guy wire...didn't pull the pole down, but wiggled it enough to cross a couple wires somewhere up there. I found out later that I had taken out the power to just about the entire township. eeesh.