Originally posted by DownwardSpiral
And just what are you implying there, rainheart? That I don't like black people? <snip>
No, no, no no no.
Not targeting you in particular but society in general. I have a friend who even tho is not an active racist, is somewhat of a passive racist, as in he hates rap and will have nothing to do with it, and he thinks people who are into all that bling bling ho's and shit are dumbasses, and of course he distances himself from those people. In a major way, the rap and r&b genre represents black people all over say the western world and perhaps a lot of europe as well. I'm just saying, that this may be how our society is being molded. I'm saying that if someone/many were smart enough, (and this is where I sound like a conspiracy theorist so brace yourself) they could engineer society towards that direction. Now we have Tilted Paranoia material, but to me that sounds fairly plausable.
I didn't say you hate black people or meant to, and don't worry I don't believe you hate black people or any of that jazz.
I'm sort of trying to see how our society gets molded and why we have certain general opinions, etc.