Originally posted by Halx
SO all you are saying is that there is no such thing as pure altruism.
Precisely what I was hoping someone was going to point out. There can be and IS good in the world.. Good and Altruism are diffenet parts of the same wavelength. A good deed is still a good deed even if it made you feel better by doing it, it was STILL a good deed. Sure when I help people, I do feel good inside, so yes, that is not true ALTRUISM, but its still a good deed. If you don't think so, you don't quite understand what you are talking about.
I noticed you said this....
"yea halx all act of altruism are motivated by selfish desires."
Do you not understand the MEANING of Altruism? The MEANING is that is NOT motivated by selfish desires. See your whole arguement, i'm sorry to say, is crap. I do not say this to flame, I say this because you took one IMPORTANT WORD, and IGNORED its meaning. Therefore, without Altruism to stop you, you could go on and on. So on that note, here is a dictionary reference.
--Unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness.
(Did I hear... Selflessness?)
Admit your defeat, you forgot about altruism