I download music because i'm damn poor. Despite the fact that i'm poor, i'll still shell out money for an album if: the artist is even remotely independent, or i respect their work.
So much of music today is throwaway bullshit anyway. A good single can move hundreds of thousands of albums worth of crap. Why should i be expected to subsidize an industry of inflated economics, and disgusting levels of synergistic promotion by paying twenty dollars for an hour of sound. How much does a producer make per album sold compared to the artist? How much does an executive make compared to a producer? Remeber when the dotcom bubble burst? I think it is about time the record industry bubble burst.
Another advantage to a hard drive full of CD's? I used to have a huge CD collection, but it all got stolen. When i called the cops, they did everything except actually say "what the fuck did you expect to accomplish by calling us?" I realized that i had a couple thousand dollars worth of plastic just taking up space in my life. If i had all that music in my computer and just burned a mix when i wanted to i would never have been in a position to have that much shit stolen from me.
I'll pay for downloads when there are artists i enjoy selling their wares at a reasonable price per download, with an infinite # of downloads for whatever i choose to download.