Originally posted by archer2371
That's not entirely true, first law of thermodynamics states there must be something there to create something, however, it has an exception. It doesn't apply to quantum singularities, that's the only one I know of, if anyone else knows what other exceptions are, I'd be glad to hear them. Currently though, since we don't have any quantum singularities hangin around Earth, a scientist would have to have something to start with in order to create something.
can you find an empty jar?
I mean a really empty one...containing a vaccum?
Nothingness cannot exist, for then that "space" would be pecisely known, defying Hesenberg's principle. So you will find matter/energy coming into existence all over the place. Normally, so tiny that you don't even notice it, but in a vaccum, it's there alright. Sadly it nearly always "annhilates itself", if you want to take the picture of particle-antiparticle.
However, it is true that it has little to do with this argument...it merely draws attention to the lingustic difficulties of defining "nothing".
One that is more relevant to this argument is the idea of cause and effect.
The idea that everything must have a cause is only true in the general everyday sense.
Trvial example, take a single atom of a radioactive isotope.
When will it decay?
Not yet....not yet...there! It decayed! Question is, what caused it? What caused it to decay
at that particular instant? Nothing. It's spontaneous i.e. without cause.
Also talk of what came "before" the big bang preciisely meaningless, as time didn't
exist "before" the big bang.
Someone on this board used the very clear analogy of comparing talking about "before the big bang" as being like talking about "north of the north pole".