I think that you are correct, but only to a point
TIO. The companies have every right to do whatever it takes within the law to protect their business. My problem with what they are doing is that they want the ability to do things to consumers that even law enforcement isn't allowed to do. That's frightening to me. Does it justify piracy? No. But I do think that the RIAA is continually hurting themselves by treating
everyone as an enemy. I only download what I want to demo before buying. If I like it, I buy the CD. If I don't, I delete it. According to the RIAA, I'm an enemy. They don't really give any way for someone like me to demo the music other than listening to the radio or watching MTV. Sorry, but I'm not doing either. I don't want to sit through an hour of crappy music for a chance at hearing one song that I
might like. I agree with the people that have said that they need to change their business to enbrace the internet. The biggest problem for them, though, is they see the internet as another enemy when it isn't being used as ad space for them.