all arguments aside on the bible and such ... no matter what arguement you make on how life began or whatever, it all had to have come from somewhere. My physics teacher gave us a formula for how much the universe is expanding and gave a rational explanation on how the universe probabally started out as one incredibly small entity and then the "big bang" caused a rapid expansion and proof of that is that the universe is still expanding today. well if thats what you want to believe thats fine. but where did that entity come from? i dont understand atheism in that sense to say that there isnt a higher power, christian god or not. it had to have come from SOMEWHERE. the only possible explanation was that it was created. it just didnt start.
"They don't even know what it is to be a fan. Y'know? To truly love some silly little piece of music, or some band, so much that it hurts."
-Almost Famous