If the RIAA is going to file lawsuits to suspected internet file sharers, then they need to be more consistent: they also need to go back to everyone who ever bought a cassette recorder and tapes to record a borrowed album from the library. Why are they not doing that? Because the Internet is a bigger news story. No, I have no right to keep downloaded music, but if a friend loans me a CD for an evening, or even a public library, does this also mean that I cannot listen to it in my own home?
The RIAA has lobbied for new laws to protect only themselves. The public does not have this kind of power, so we lose. US law affords those with too much money the chance to do whatever the hell they want. Don't believe me? Just review the OJ Simpson trials for a brief reminder. The RIAA is nothing but an association of starched shirts and big money. They have no real interest in artists or turning out good products. Its all about the money. If they are so interested in keeping the copyrights to their crappy products, maybe they should invest more in technologies like SACD which only allows analog output from a player. But what if I record that analog stream to another CD, is that okay? No? Hmmm....this goes back to vinyl records and cassette tapes again........ What if I record a stream of audio off the radio...who gets sued then, the radio station for supplying the stream or me for recording it?
A quote for your linked article (which was interesting!)
"...Is file-swapping depriving large numbers of artists of their livelihood? That's not clear. Some artists have openly embraced it, just as they embraced cassettes and the radio. What is clear is that file-sharing is eating into the record companies' bottom line. It's also clear that it is a sign -- a flashing neon sign -- that music fans are unhappy with the state of the industry, and that it is no longer serving their music needs..."
I really hate the RIAA. They can't scare me back into the store. They are turning out lousy products, and now the time has come for them to pay the piper.