Sorry, but people look at this now with a hell of a lot more info than they had assembled at the time. Every scrap of intelligence has been brought together now that mentions anything about flying planes into buildings. Before it was all over the place and there were other more "credible" threats that held priority.
The world changed on 9/11 two years ago. Hijackings in the past were thought to be temporary with, typically, little loss of life. Anything judged now will be based on the new "rules" that were just wild ass guesses before.
Just another example of our society and the need to place blame somewhere else. I don't see citizens as a whole jumping up and saying "Damn, looking back at the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, Pan Am 103, embassy bombings, the first world trade center attack, the USS Cole attack, etc. We should have forced our politicians to do something earlier."
The ball was dropped over the course of several administrations. We all hold responsibility for our assinine belief that terrorism will not touch us. Sure it was something that happened in Northern Ireland, the middle east, and a few other areas but surely no one would do that to us.
Personal responsibility is lacking in our society. If you get laid off and can't find a new job, it's the big bad corporation that did it to you. It had nothing to do with the fact that you didn't develop sufficient skills in a market that would be around in the future and have a demand for you. Or you rob a bank, that's not your fault, it's your environment. How can you be expected to walk down the street and see other people driving $60k cars and not have a desire to have one yourself?
The world is a dangerous place. You take risks. No one can absolutley insure your safety.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.