Thread: Baylor
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Old 09-11-2003, 09:57 AM   #33 (permalink)
Stay off the sidewalk!
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Location: Oklahoma City, OK
I don't remember anyone from the University of Kansas or the University of Missouri or even the Dallas Cowboys murdering a fellow player and then the coach advocating a cover-up.

The three presidents against Baylor's expulsion may change their minds after the joke Baylor will have to put on the court in the upcoming basketball season.

And the hits just keep on coming …

WACO, Texas -- The Baylor faculty senate passed a "no confidence" motion Tuesday for embattled President Robert Sloan.

A group billing itself as "Friends of Baylor" countered the senate's action - academia's severest form of criticism -- by announcing it has raised $300,000 for a public relations campaign to defend Sloan and the scandal-ridden university.

The opposing messages came amid mounting pressure from some circles for Sloan, who has headed the world's largest Baptist university for eight years, to step down.

The 26-6 vote of no confidence came after the faculty senate met for more than three hours.

Joe Cox, the faculty senate chairman, said the motion cites the "deeply polarized and relationally paralyzed Baylor community" under Sloan's presidency.

The senate, which has no actual authority over Sloan's employment, will forward its recommendation for his ouster to Baylor's 36-member board of regents, which opens a two-day meeting Thursday.

In recent days, five of Baylor's 36 regents and three former regent chairmen have called for Sloan's resignation.

Baylor is reeling from the fatal shooting of basketball player Patrick Dennehy, the arrest of former player Carlton Dotson on a murder charge, and revelations of serious NCAA rules violations in the basketball program.

Last month, Sloan accepted the resignations of coach Dave Bliss and athletic director Tom Stanton and put the program on voluntary probation.

Friends of Baylor, founded less than two weeks ago, issued a statement saying it has "recruited a heavy hitting committee of Baylor alumni and supporters from across Texas" to support its campaign.

U.S. Rep. Max Sandlin, D-Texas, a Friends of Baylor steering committee member, said the group "is not just a pep squad -- we are a group of highly active, highly motivated Baylor alumni and students who are committed to supporting Baylor and its current leadership."

A few hundred yards from the building where the faculty senate met, about 200 students gathered at a special prayer service, asking for peace of mind and strength for Sloan. In a grassy area outside the student union, supporters surrounded Sloan, placed their hands on his shoulders and prayed.

Student senate president Jeff Leach said Sloan maintains support from most of Baylor's 14,000 students.

"No one's perfect, but President Sloan has done some amazing and historic things here," the junior said Tuesday.

Even before the basketball scandal, Sloan faced harsh criticism from some faculty leaders and regents over "Baylor 2012," his 10-year plan to make the school a top-tier research university while strengthening its Christian mission.

Sloan said Monday he remains committed to Baylor.

"You don't deal with problems by running away from them," he said.

The Associated Press News Service

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