Tranny Trouble -- Please Help!
For about the last week or so I've been having really clunky shifting. The last 2 days have been the worst, with me having to fight to get the shifter into first gear or reverse, and all the other gears are almost as difficult. With the engine off, it shifts with a perfect little snick-snick like it always has, but with the engine running, it's nearly impossible to shift. A guy at work told me it might be a throw-out bearing, but he's not sure without looking. I'm going to take it to a transmission shop today, but I'd like to know what you guys think.
By the way, it's a '95 Honda Civic. I checked the clutch's hydraulic fluid today and it was a little low so I topped it off, but that didn't help. Remember, with the engine off, shifting is perfectly fluid like always.
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