What a nice thread
When I was little we got 2 barn cats from my great grandpa's dairy farm. My cat was a calico named Becky. I loved that cat. She was a bit aloof though, I was the only one that she would pay any attention to. About 3 years later we got our dog, a cocker named Sandy. Sandy once made the mistake of sniffing Becky the wrong way, and she swatted her across the nose. They had a good understanding after that.
I came home from school one day and my mom tells me to sit down. She said that she found Becky in the back yard, her stomach bleeding from a bite. We know it wasn't Sandy who bit her, was most likely a doberman from a few yards over. They took her to the vet and preformed surgery. She didn't survive through the night. Last I saw her, she was laying on a table with bandages all over here, looking so sick. I remember praying that she would make it. I was pretty sad and angry for quite awhile...
Sandy lived to be around 15-16. Somebody left her and her puppies in the middle of the road. We tried to get a puppy, but they were all adopted before we got the chance. Sandy was going to be brough to the vet, and my dad could not let that happen. So we took her. She was such a great dog. Very gentle and loving. She lived a good life, but she eventually began to go blind and get sick. We took her to the vet to put her down. It was so incredibly sad. Sandy loved my mom (she was the first person in my family she saw), but my mom isnt really an animal person. I didn't think seeing Sandy go would effect her so much.
Okay, I've rambled on too much... Thanks for sharing these stories.