I have a dog that my parents got when I was 2 (my older brother wanted one sooner, but they wouldn't let him get one until I was 2). He is a little (17 pounds when he gets a haircut) cockerspanial/poodle/bishon kinda thing. We got him at the humane society, so we don't really know exactly what breed he is. They got him as a puppy, so he is just 2 years younger than I am. That means he's 16 years old and he is still kickin'.
He isn't as fiesty as before, he used to knock me down in the snow and steal my gloves, or grab food off my plate when I got up to get a drink or something. But for being 16 he is doing alright. Not to mention the arthritis he has. And also the time where a coyote bit him across the torso but let go. And then there was the time where he almost drowned because he ran into the pool by accident (cateracs). And plus the multiple times where he runs into a wall. I think he is doing alright. Not that it is a surprise or anything, he is invincible, because he will never die until I do.
( o< --!"Take that bass out you're voice, you talk to me in treble."
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