Originally posted by Lasereth
I suppose I did have a bad experience. The only reason I didn't mention that is because the people that were playing with me told me that's how it was played every time. I've tried it multiple times, and each time, we used no rules except for the base stats of each character. No plot, no feasible combat system, no nothing. It was basically like using a cheat on a game except not being able to do it when you wanted, only when the dungeon master wanted.
Yeah I figured you had a bad experience as well. There are rules, LOTS of rules. See, you are only limited to what you can think of, but the GM can turn you down if its just plain stupid.. or let your character die trying. But yeah, the GM COULD give you all that XP, but in my game, it was sweet... One of my favorite RPG memories, then out of nowhere the GM gave me 3 powers that made me so Godly, that I was angry, and refused to continue the campaign. If word gets out that the GM sucks, people won't play with him. Thats just like a video game, word gets out that the game and/or engine sucks.. no one plays it. As for no plot? Try White Wolf... their cames are CENTERED on plot, as fighting is the rarity. D&D has lots of fighting.. but I'll be damned if I didn't spend a lot of time with the plot. I play theives, and if you just run off and kill things.. you're not much of a thief.

So yeah, it sounds like your GM downright sucked ass. I'm very sorry that you had to go through such an experience. Thats like being forced to play Hexen for 8 hours...

It'll traumatize you and make you not like it
Edited Addin!!! I forgot to say, EVERY... REAL PUBLISHED RPG... has strict rules on how fights go down.