Here is your proof of God. I think this was the Thomas Aquainus philosophy. All things come from something. Something cannot come from nothing. We all came from something ( our parents). We were not created out of nothing. Every scientist knows this fact of something cannot come from nothing. This being fact take time into account. If time shows proggression then there must be a beginning. If there is a begging then what was here before that. Obviously nothing would be wrong because we came from something. Hence if there was a beggining then there was nothing before that. So something (God) had to create all this from nothingness. Lets see her prove that wrong. She can't. By the way the bible is just a story to base your life on. Don't take it verbatim. Just go by the good message. If it said it was raining cats and dogs, to us that means heavy rain. If it was in the bible that would be something like the eleventh plauge of Egypt. And God threw cats and dogs down from the Heavens. Get my point.