Originally posted by THE MAC GOD
It depends... is he white? Cause christ wasn't... contrary to popular belief.
Proof, and what does race have to do with anything?
I personally have a hard time believing this guy is what the bible says he is, because if i were back in those times, and found my self in a position of a monk or whatever who would be writting things that would one day become the bible i would've chosen to right stories with the same morals behind them as they did. I see it as guidelines for a successful society.
And wow relegion is amazing. Makes people follow the rules for a successful society, and if they don't eternal damnation

They don't even need proof they just need to know that its a possiblity, and make that possiblity so horrible that it would never be worth it to even question it.
Relgion also makes people very forgiving. Karma is a great idea that way people will just sit by and have some resolve if say sombody stole your car you'd be able to rest knowing that they will be punished on a grander scale
I tell you what whoever did contribute these scriptures was very intelligent, as its stood the test of time.
Jesus (as the bible depcits him) is a possibitly, but the chances are low. less than 5%