Its a genetic defect or advent your choice. Every species on the planet has genetic anomalies based on how earth life forms procreate. Regardless the vast majority of genetic anomalies aren't beneficial to the species, but once in a while a truly helpful trait surfaces allowing that organism to breed in greater numbers and survive in the face of his predecessors extinction. Doesn't work worth shit for humans, we're just to good at surviving. So basically all the crazy shit you here/see about humans is natures way of making us better only problem is the shitty traits that would normally kill us off don't because we're just so fucking good at surviving that even the god damn bubble boy can survive. So in short your trait sounds like it has some benefits, but for you mind to comprehend the hypersensitiveness to life you also suffer hallucinations. This wouldn't normally be a problem, but i'm sure it hinders your ability to function in the american life model. However it isn't keeping you from passing on your genes now is it you obviously have a wife. So all i have to say to you is you've been gifted and cursed, just try to enjoy you life as it is very fleeting.
Proud memeber of the Insomniac Club.