Its to do with brain activity.
By monitoring the electro chemical pathways in the brain scientists dicovered that women use all of their brain at the same time. As a result they are better at mutli tasking and in many other ways are mental superior to men.
Men on the other hand concentrate activity in the one half. Just hapens to be the half that deals with abstract concepts and spacial awareness. This means the men are better able to visualise inside their head the size, shape of the car, the parking space, the distances, relative postions etc. This is combined with visual signals. Women tend to depend wholly on the visual signals and no inner map. Its this that makes parking for them a harder (but still acheivable) task to accomplish.
Its this abstract and spacial thing that leads more men than women to become engineers. Not that women can't be great engineers, but it does affect the statistic trend.
Remember this is generalised. Some women with high levels of male hormones have chemical activity more like mens and vice versa.
Also some women with large chests have difficult in turning around fully to see where they are reversing. Sounds silly I know.