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Old 09-09-2003, 10:02 PM   #78 (permalink)
Location: Wherever I am!
Getting back to the recall......
Just what did Gray Davis do that was soo oo bad as to need to be recalled anyway?

Was it his response to buy electricity for the state to keep rolling blackouts from occurring? Because this is the only real reason I see. It is because of this that the state is in Fiscal problems. But....If he didn't do this there would have been people asking for his head too because they didn't have electricity. However I believe it would have been better if he didn't go ahead and buy the electricity because this would have brought the Enron thing to a head that much faster.

As for Arnold he still has no platform and refuses to go to any debate where he has to think (the only debate he is going to has the questions already given to him).

Ms. Huffington is living on tax loopholes, but I do like her idea about prop.13 and basing property taxes on the value of the property and the amount you make.

Bustamante, wants to put casino's everywhere. I didn't mind the casino thing when I thought they were going to be on existing tribal lands, but now the tribes are buying property and claiming it as tribal land and building casino's. Busatmante supports this and them, in fact his brother is a manager of a casino. Also his support for illegal aliens getting drivers liscences rubs me the wrong way. If they are illegal they should not get ANY services from us. If they want to drive, get medical, dental, and education rights then go the correct way and become a citizen. Next thing we know illegals will be able to vote.

I'd rather keep someone I know in office, who has not really done anything wrong, than put someone who we know very little about in office. Besides did we not have an election just less than a year ago. Leave him in office and start campaign now for the next election!
If ignorance is bliss, then wipe this smile off my face!
Hard8s is offline  

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