Damn, GreyWolf...you got all my selections...perfect.
Although I think the "Wheel of Time" saga, needs to be a TV series like Babylon 5.
That's the only way they could get all the damn detail into a visual medium.
Another one which I think would be good as a TV series too,
would be Steven Brust's "Vlad Taltos" series.
But I think the whole "Rift War" saga, and the "Belgariad" could be done in movie trilogies.
And both already have second trilogies ready if those are successful.
I talked to Raymond E. Feist when I met him in San Diego
about him doing a movie with the series,
and he said it would be difficult to get a scene with so many troops attacking.
However this was some years before LOTR came out,
so it should be able to be done now.
The LOTR trilogy has proven the fantasy saga can be done
and be a big money maker to Hollywood,
As Hollywood discovers already written and proven stories & characters from Fantasy & Comic genre,
we will see better and better Action/Adventure movies.
Last edited by rogue49; 09-09-2003 at 02:38 AM..