Originally posted by JoeyB
I liked Ronald Reagan DURING his Presidency, before I knew of all of his controversies. I felt very safe during his two terms and I enjoyed his quick wit during his speeches.
Only after did I better understand the Iran-Contra mess and the firing the air traffic controllers. I always thought it was ironic that the man who fired the controllers had an airport named after him!!!
It's a shame that he's a shell of a man now. I would have enjoyed having a few more years of hearing his thoughts.
Would you have preferred that they be allowed to paralize the entire nation by going on strike? There are many jobs in which one simply cannot go on strike as a protest. Policemen, firemen, teachers, the list goes on and on. It is a shame that we live in a country that values those in public service so little - that said - allowing them to go on strike simply cannot be allowed. With Reagan the whole country knew where it stood - they knew where he stood and, like our current president, they knew he would do what he said he would do. The air traffic controllers attempted to call something a bluff - that was gospel. They got what he told them they would get.