Ok, this is a topic that is of special interest to me. The physical appearance of Jesus will come at the end of the seven year tribulation that will happen to the Earth. The first thing that will happen immediately before the Tribulation will be the Rapture in which the dead Christians will rise up first and then the alive Christians will be taken up to heaven via Jacob's Ladder (because Satan controls the atmosphere and J'sL protects those that go up to heaven). The first three and a half years of Tribulation shall be allright, however, Christians will seriously have their rights infringed upon with the Antichrist basically establishing a one world government and furthering an international religion that welcomes all religions and accepts their words as truth. At the 3.5 years mark, that's when all hell breaks loose, because the Antichrist will be "killed" and he will return from the grave three days later and proclaim that he is indeed God. The punishments brought by God the Father will continue worsen for the non-Christians, until the final battle on the hills of Megiddo (many scholars think) in which Christ will come back with all the Christians and will defeat the armies of Satan. Christ will then set up a judgment throne to judge the Christians based upon how many people they shared the word of Christ with and how many people they brought into the Kingdom and he will proclaim those as "Good and faithful servants" those that were saved but didn't even try will still have a place in His Kingdom, just not one that was greater earned by those Christians that showed the Word of God to people. A reign of a thousand years shall take place, and Earth shall be like it was in the Garden of Eden, the way that God wished it to be. Then God the Father shall judge Satan and his minions and cast them into the Lake of Fire forever, Earth as we know it shall be destroyed and The City of Heaven shall be open to all believers in Christ and peace shall reign throughout the land. That's the short version that I have memorized, I could go into so much more details about the Return of Christ. See, my point of view is, throw away all the Dogma, all the other extra stuff, and look at Christ specifically, His message for all those that had ears, and His message was that no one got through the Father except through Him, and whoever shall confess with his mouth that Christ is the savior and whoever believe in Him, that they shall have everlasting life. That's my take on it, that's the meat and potatoes right there, no matter what you do, so long as you repent and say hey, I messed up, but will you still take me, and Christ's response will always be "Yes my child." Unless it is too late and you have continually rejected Him and did not follow that one simple request, then it's bad news my friends. I am deeply sorry for those of you that have been hurt by religion, but as someone said on another thread "There's religion and then there is faith" I choose faith and my faith is that Christ is my personal Lord and Savior and that He will return for me.
"This ain't no Ice Cream Social!"
"Hey Grif, Chupathingy...how bout that? I like it...got a ring to it."
"I have no earthly idea what it is I just saw, or what this place is, or where in the hell O'Malley is! My only choice is to blame Grif for coming up with such a flawed plan. Stupid, stupid Grif."