Since I need shit-hot forearms for ju-jitsu ( or any martial art for that matter ), I did some searching a while back and came up with this:
30 second warm-up
wrist curls 10-12
reverse wrist curls 10-12
(do superset 3-4 times)
behind the back curls 10-12
reverse curls 10-12
(again, do this 3-4 times)
wrist abductions 10-12
wrist adductions 10-12
(once only)
wrist twists 10-12
finger curls 10-12
grip work ( with those 'eagle catcher' things )
finish with some light stretching.
I do this 2-3 times a week, and each time it absolutely slaughters my forearms. I can barely make a fist afterwards. It may help, it may not, I'm just trying to give some advice back after all the advice I got on another thread.
I've only been training for a short time so Let me know what you think.