I have met hundreds of 'preechurs' in my life. A few are honest, caring and sincere. For everyone of those there are 897 that are the phoniest SOBs every born. In our little corner of the world there is a church on almost every other corner in town and a few in the middle of the block and don't forget those that have moved into empty stores on Main Street (Yeah! It's Main Street just like the sign says - not Parkplace or Boardwalk or whatever). What I see most is that these people do not work! They do not get dirty! they do not worry about anything because they all are up close and personal with a large group of totally inane assholes that will give them almost anything they want and blindly throw cash into a pot for them to steal later. At least this guy made no bones about being a flat out and out theif! Then you have the totally phony asses on TV with Rolexes on both arms up to their elbows - but that's another story.