Originally posted by BastardStepChild
I think this all depends on where you live. In our part of the country, if you have car trouble, you normally only have to wait until the next car comes down the road (and sometimes that might take a while) to be picked up and taken to where you need to go - often they'll even wait and take you back to your car if you're outa' gas or something. I can understand people being unwilling to pick up hitchhikers in some parts of the country but out here in the sticks we live in a different world - Hell! we wave at everybody we meet - doesn't matter if we know 'em or not!
I totally agree. Where I picked this guy up was in a town of about 800, and he was heading to a town of ~20K. I've had good experiences mostly, though none as cool as
rock_bottom (or the ones on the TTBoard). Picked up a couple that reeked of booze, so they got shorter rides.
I usually
won't stop to help women on the side of the road anymore. I did a couple times, and they get too nervous (understandable). I usually slow down and ask if they need a phone, but don't get out unless they seem OK with it. Kind of a sad state of affairs when a woman has to be affraid of help from a man (not in uniform, that is).