Its a street thing that many here will never understand. Its everywhere because its liked by so many young whites. Its all about demagraphics. If if wasn't popular with that group then you would only hear it on certain areas and radio stations.
Its become so big that it is the only true music driving force out there. Most music style have lost popularity. But rap endures. The first main stream rap song I believe was Sugarhill Gang's Rapper's Delight. I think that song came out in 1979. So the mainstream rap culture has been around for 24 years and its never been bigger. It influences music, fashion and attitude in today's young. Several types of music have come and gone in the same time period but rap still prevails. For ex. punk, new wave, hair band rock, grunge, etc. I know that those kinds of music are still popular in certain parts of the population but not as big as rap is.
I'm not really into it like a few here but I can see what influences it has had in today's culture.
Like it or not, you can always change the channel.
I'm "Glad I Ate Her" because the payback was worth it!!