I once picked up a guy who was physically handicapped and seemed to be mentally retarded, giving him a 30 mile ride. It turns out (and I'm not making this up) he's an idiot savant, and needed the ride back from a trivia competition he'd won, and gave me gas money out of his winnings.
A few weeks later I went to a team competition with him, since I'm not all that bad at trivia myself, and it turned out the other teammate was my college philosophy professor, with whom the guy was best friends. Both my professor and I were nothing next to this guy when it came to Trivia, it's really disturbing how much he knew.
At any rate, that is why I pick up hitchikers on the rare occasions that I see them. Granted I doubt anything that cool will ever happen again, but it's been fun the few times I've done it (and yeah I obviously know the risk).