I do not have a cell phone for several reasons.
1. I don't want to sign a contract for service that may end up sucking. (I know, I could use month to month if I wanted).
2. I don't want people to be able to contact me when I don't want to be.
3. And this is the big one - the annoyance factor. Americans will take any invention, name one (cars, radio, tv, phones) and they will figure out the most annoying way to implement it. In Japan, everyone above the age of 13 has a cell phone but it is considered rude in Japanese culture to talk on it in public. Everyone uses text messaging.
If Americans used them this way, it would be great. I think the technology is awesome, I'm just sick of sitting in the back of the bus/train listening to some middle-age office manager in the front of the bus describe her entire day for all of us.
Wow, do I fell better.