we'd do our HW in groups. we'd all gather in 1 persons room, that way 2 of us didn't know where the toys were and the third felt bad about playing, and we'd sit in a big pile of green gridded engineering paper and start working. when we got stuck, we had someone to ask, and sometimes we'd explain stuff, just ot make sure we understood it. You learn best by teaching. Best study aid I ever had were those 2 people sitting in a dorm room. This got me through 2 years of an engineering major i didn't enjoy, and the worse I did in a class, the fewer people i had to study with. But, that's just me.
dimbulb's got it all pretty much covered. go to class. do the homework. I'd like to add one, though. HAVE SOME FUN. seriously. all work and no play causes ulcers. So, make sure you relax and play a little. studying hte first day of class seems silly to me. what, are you gonna get quizzed on the sylabus? relax, try'n absorb what the teacher's telling you, take the most copious notes you can, 'cuz THIS is the stuff the prof things is important. I'm not big on book-reading, 'cuz I haven't had a class yet where the prof didn't feed us what he wanted to hear, but it does have its points, esp in science classes where you deal in fundamental truths, not opinions. good luck, and ooooh, here's a freebee: DON'T BE AFRAID TO SWITCH MAJORS IF YOU FIND ENGINEERING ISN'T WHAT YOU WANT. Seriously. it's okay to change your mind!!