I don't pick up hitchers usually, I have made a few exceptions in my life depending on how threatened I feel. I am not a small guy but I live in Southern California and there are quite a few wierdos around here. Halx can probably vouch for that! I have hitched here though and been picked up. Both by guys and girls and I was always incredibly happy they decided to stop.
I used to live on the Big Island of Hawaii though and hitching there is very common. I used to pick people up there all the time and it was always really cool because you get to meet some people that you never would have met that way. I picked up alot of people that were traveling the world by backpack and staying in hostiles. One guy I remember meeting was a fruitarian... kinda like a vegitarian but only fruit. He was backpacking around the world and basically living off the land. He smelled of Oranges, he had citrus oozing from his pores. He was very nice and offered my wife and I a few Oranges for the ride they were gladly accepted as I had just finished smoking a bowl before I picked him up.