seretogis sez
I'd like to hear why you consider an unborn child a "mushy lump of parasite" as I bet that children under the age of 18 would also apply to your conditions.
Yes, i know 25 year old mushy lumps of parasite.
What i'm saying is that it is insulting to attempt to draw a comparison between slavery, and an unborn potential human.
A fetus is not a human being, it cannot survive outside of the womb, or other scientifically designed device. I know it has heartbeats and brainwaves, but it takes more than a heartbeat and a brainwave(in my opinion) for something to be a human being. Something like the ability to not die by being removed for my amniotic sack and disconnected form my umbilical cord, i think, is required to loose the rookie tag, so to speak. An unborn chidl is for all intents and purposes a parasite.
Children are parasitic too, but in a I-can-breath-on-my-own and an I'm-not-gonna-die-cause-i'm-not-being-nourished-by-your-umbilical-cord way.