Originally posted by Halx
if they aren't selling drugs, they're doin' drugs... risk or not.. they think they are invincible BECAUSE they have so much money.
Thats just what happens when humans get famous. I'm willing to say 75% of the time.
As is the same in all genre's of music as well so that argument has no grounds what so ever. The beatles were doped up, so were the rolling stones, so was Elvis, so were Nirvana, Whitney, Zepplin, etc. etc. Some it's even been the death of em. Most of em do at least one form or drug or alchohol. Doesn't mean it isn't music. I mean look at groups like The Talking Heads. I bet you think they were revolutionary but they weren't singing. They were just talkin. Same with Punk music all their doing is screaming but yet thats considered music. Think about what you say before ya say something stupid.