We might turn the question back around and ask "why are conservative/fundamentalist Christians afraid of secular humanism"?
Sez Lurkette
I'm interested too.
I'm afraid of shorsighted, lazy people. People who will listen to the person on the pulpit tell them what "their" god is all about rather than actually read their holy book. I'm afraid of people who pick and choose select verses from the bible to take out of context and use to justify bigotry.
Maybe this is bad forum manners, but on the "the two most controversial issues in politics!!" thread you implied that history will vindicate probirthers just as it did abolitionists. Not to pull out the slavery card, but how many "god fearing, moral" christians does it take to enslave a race of people?
Not to imply that christianity was solely responsible for slavery, but slavery era south hardly strikes me as liberal.